Monday, September 1, 2008

Is Sarah Palin last child really her's

There has been a rumor floating around that is saying Sarah Palin's last born child, Trig is in fact not her child but her grandchild.

The rumor that is going around says that Mrs. Palin is raising the child of her 16 year old daughter, Bristol.

One of the things people point out is the fact that Sarah Palin was allowed to travel to Texas to give a speech during her last month of pregnancy. normally women aren't allowed to travel this close to giving birth.

Then she is said to have had her water break when she was giving the speech. put instead of going to a hospital she when on a plane and when home.

it was about 8 flight from Texas to Alaska

During the time of the pregnancy, Bristol was out of school for 6 months with mono.

it's easy to understand why some people see this story is true. The picture below is said to be taking during the pregnancy

Sarah Palin stomach is covered and she has a baggy sweater so it hard to tell if she is pregnant or not. Her daughter does seem to have a little belly but I don't think it's big enough for a woman that is 7 months with child. but it could be.

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